Free download complete engineering seminar Wireless Power Transmission Seminar ppt. Toggle Navigation. Seminars Topics Login; Wireless Power Transmission Seminar ppt. Rahul Rockon 01 July 2017. WiTricity is nothing but wireless electricity. Transmission of electrical energy from one object to another without the use of wires is called as WiTricity. 5.8 GHz, 500m Diameter, Retrodirective 2 GW Phased Array Antenna by Richard M. Dickinson, JPL 2.5 GW DC/AC mm (~2 in.) D = m 37500 km 1.2. Wireless power transmission circuit is the transferring of an electrical energy from a transmitter to a receiver in an electrical device without connecting wires. The PowerPoint PPT presentation: 'Wireless Power Transmission for Solar Power Satellites' is the property of its rightful owner. Do you have PowerPoint slides to share? If so, share your PPT presentation slides online with Witricity, Ask Latest information, Wireless Electricity OR Witricity Abstract,Wireless Electricity OR Witricity Report,Wireless Electricity OR Witricity Presentation (pdf,doc,ppt),Wireless Electricity OR Witricity technology discussion,Wireless Electricity OR Witricity paper presentation details,Wireless Electricity OR Witricity, ppt, pdf, report, presentation, source code, abstract, seminar. • Modulating wireless power signal to carry data bidirectionally. • Sensing position via the wireless power channel. • Sending power via walls, glass or other obstacles. • Getting rid of cables for the ease of operators of medical devices. 9 wireless power transfer projects PDF Exploring possible applications of wireless power transmission.
Wireless Power transfer objective:
The objective of this paper is to give an idea of Wireless power transfer which is in developing stage and it can be a future existence. Due to the extinguishing energy resources, there is a serious search of alternative energy resources which are endless and eco-friendly. The answer for this is wireless power transfer which came in 17th century . It consists of microwaves for transmission of electromagnetic radiation, and for vibrating the objects resonance concept is used and solar cells for sun’s radiation in outer space. Research has been going in various countries to bring WPT into a practical environment.
Brief into WPT:
The concept of WPT is to use the sun light resources and convert into electrical energy and transmit to the end user without the use of cables. Here two antennas operating at same frequency are brought together , due to phenomenon of resonance tunneling occurs by which the energy gets transmitted into free space, and the devices in the particular range gets charged. In WPT the transmission efficiency is very high and the losses occurred are very negligible. The WPT can also be implemented by using lasers but more problems are encountered and transmission efficiency is less.
Applications of WPT:
WPT can bring a revolution in energy resources. It can be used in medical for performing open heart surgeries. BY using this concept we can transmit continuous power to space ships and aircrafts. We can conclude that WPT can completely replace the usage of fossil fuels and it can maintain a pollution free environment.
Wireless Power Transmission Ppt
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